
For over two decades Septentrio GNSS receivers are providing reliable high accuracy positioning in demanding environments. Our brochures describe the most relevant GPS/GNSS positioning solutions specific to a certain industry or application. Find out the most pressing current positioning challenges and how they are solved in the industry today.

Assured PNT brochure

Septentrio provides accurate and resilient Positioning, Navigation and Time or Assured PNT receivers for defense and critical missions operating in contested GNSS environments.


GPS / GNSS spoofing brochure

GNSS spoofing is a real threat, as seen regularly on the news. During an attack, the spoofer sends fake GNSS signals into the target receiver, fooling it into believing that it is at a false location. There are various types of spoofing and various ways to combat it. This brochure explains everything you need to know about GNSS spoofing and building resilient systems in a simple and visual way.


GNSS/INS brochure

What is GNSS/INS and how does this sensor fusion deliver orientation and positioning information? What value does inertial sensor integration bring to various applications on land, sea and in the air.


GNSS reference receivers brochure

Septentrio has a worldwide reputation for having the best reference receivers on the market, providing top-of-the-line GNSS measurements. These receivers are part of the largest CORS and Earth Monitoring networks all around the globe. This brochure outlines what you can expect from PolaRx5 receivers and why they are known to be the most robust and reliable base stations.


Discover our product range

Our GNSS receivers offer solutions for reliable high-accuracy positioning and orientation in various demanding industrial applications.